Happy Mom’s Day

ITH card and tag with my hand drawn Mom Flower

Being a happy mother myself – of 3 gorgeous, adult sons, who have all left the nest – my youngest just a month ago, I celebrate Mom’s Day 2022 with a couple of cute ITH freebies to make on your embroidery machine (Please note, these designs require an embroidery machine – and they are best downloaded from a computer or a Mac rather than on a mobile or tablet/iPad)

You can find the ITH card and Tag with my hand drawn Mom Flower here:


(I kindly ask you, please, do not share this link outside this page – instead invite your friends to visit my page)

And here – on my YouTube channel, you can see how I made the two designs:

Small Mom Flower Tag

ITH Card Mom Flower

6 thoughts on “Happy Mom’s Day

  1. Jette Karberg Reply

    Mange tak for Mors dags gave, de er søde. Du har da travlt med alle de ting du laver, synes lige at jeg vil fortælle dig at jeg synes billedet af dukkerne på denne side fylder meget, men det er jo en smags sag, ville bare nævne det (håber du forstår at det er ment positivt)

    • admin.frublomgren Post authorReply

      Hej Jette, jeg er glad for at du synes om min morsdags gave til jer 🙂
      Ja, jeg keder mig ikke – og mht. hvorvidt ‘dukkerne’ – mine signatur engle <3 - fylder meget på min side, ja, så er det en smagssag, og som jeg altid har sagt, smag er individuel og som sådan ikke let at diskutere 🙂 Jeg forstår, at det er positivt ment og takker for din interesse og feedback. Som også skrevet i en af mine posts, så er denne side i sin spæde start, og der kan og vil ske meget på rejsen mod en side, som jeg måske endda aldrig vil kunne kalde færdig - dertil er min nysgerrige natur og store kærlighed til kærkomne, løbende og hyggelige 'forandringer' for stor 😉 Min signatur engle udgør også mit banner i min Etsy shop og i min FB gruppe - de er en vigtig del af mit fruBlomgren univers som nogle af de første engle, jeg lavede, da jeg sprang ud som selvstændig - de har stor betydning for mig.

    • admin.frublomgren Post authorReply

      Hi Maryjane 🙂 – And a Happy Mother’s Day to you, too. I am so glad you found and like my new blog – it is still in it’s early start. I like to try out new stuff, and my WordPress website journey starts here 🙂

  2. Robin Reply

    This is the sweetest! I love that you are not afraid to tackle anything! You are a go-getter, Marianne, and you are not afraid to reach for the stars! I absolutely love being on this journey with you and all your fabulous creativity! Carry on!

    • admin.frublomgren Post authorReply

      Thank you so much, Robin, for your very kind feedback on my new page – under construction 🙂 I am very happy that you find my creative journey worth following 🙂 I think, there is a bit of Pippi Longstocking vibes in me – I am SO curious and I really love to try out things … also, my approach is ‘Learning by doing’ – trial and error – and I learn everyday and with great joy. Thank you for joining me on this creative path 🙂

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